UniFi Protect

MSRP: $199.00
30 days
Version: 20231025
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OS 2.10OS 3Local 


UniFi Protect is a smart camera platform using the latest in modern anyalitics and hardware to bring you a truly amazing video monitoring solution. Using the smart home Control4 platform, you can tap into this intelligence by creating powerful When/Then programming.  Integrate your Protect hardware into Control with the Cindev UniFi Protect drivers!


  • Camera streams brought to your C4 touchscreens and mobile applications
  • Region clicking on the camera screen (open doors/gates, turn on lights, etc.)
  • Motion Trigger event
  • Doorbell press event (using the UniFi Doorbell)
  • Set Doorbell LCD Message from Control4 programming
  • Smart Detection events (person, vehicle)
  • Push notification with image from Composer
  • Email Notification with image from Composer (no 4Sight required)
  • Supports Cinegration Trial and Showroom license 

Compatible Cameras:

  • G5 Series (All Cameras)
  • G4 Series (All Cameras including Doorbell)
  • G3 Series (All Cameras)

Camera Integration:
Need a simple way to add video monitoring to your project? UniFi produces wired and wireless cameras at a low cost, keeping your projects on budget. Cameras support motion detection to perform smart home actions on the Control4 system.

Dealer Note: Snapshots now work OS3.3.3+

Smart Detection - Person, Vehicle:
Using the G4 series cameras in your project unlocks Smart Detections. These are special events for person or vehicle detection. Cindev has linked the Control4 system into these detections increasing the Power of Control you need in your smart home.
More info on Smart Detection

Doorbell Integration:
Program doorbell announcements with ease using the UniFi Protect drivers! Tired of letting the person at the door know you're not home?  The UniFi doorbell has an LCD screen on it that can display custom messages. Incorporate region clicking with custom doorbell messages for a truly unique doorbell solution.

ViewPort (Liveview/HDMI connection) integration:
Need to see live video of your cameras from a HDMI connection? Use the UniFi ViewPort! Our driver gives customers the ability to change to different cameras via the number buttons or choose specific views using the colored buttons. 

Simple Push, Email and Text notifications:
Creating custom notificaitons for your customer has never been easier! Simply click on the camera's actions, enter your message, and add the action to any smart home event you need. Want to send an alert (with picture) when someone is in your garage? Done. Want to get an image when somone unlocks your front door? Easy! Cindev drivers unlock the Power of Control by streamlining notifications and setup time on Control4 systems.

Home and Region Button Clicks:
This driver allows dealers to use the standard 'home' icon on the Control4 Camera GUI and Region clicking for custom event actions. The home icon is displayed on all Control4 interfaces. Region clicking on invisible buttons is supported by Android and iOS MyHome apps. Dealers can use these buttons to trigger lights to turn on/off, garage/gates to open, or any other specific programming needed.

Unifi Region Buttons


Compatible Control4 Systems
Designed to work with OS 2.10.6+ and OS 3.0


Compatible Hardware

UniFi Protect


Driver License Activation
A single license will unlock as many instances of the driver as needed in your project. Cloud Driver is required to activate all DriverCentral licenses and trials. To find out more about drivercentral features click here. Additionally, here is a quick video that demonstrates the licensing process.


Showroom and Free Trial
All Cinegration Development drivers for Control4 come with a 7-day trial. Simply add the DriverCentral licensing driver along with this driver and you can fully test the driver before purchasing. Including Cinegration Development drivers in your showroom project will give you unlimited use without purchase.

Driver is provided by Cinegration Development LLC.  All rights reserved.

Driver Download (20230528) (UniFi_Protect_Control4_Drivers__20241014_.zip, 829 Kb) [Download]

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Installers Guide
To access the full installers guides that include driver setup instructions as well as driver feature details select the following:




How To Guides:

Trigger announcement when UniFi doorbell is pressed


Warranty and Disclaimer
For a full description of terms and conditions pertaining to Cinegration Development's drivers please visit www.cindev.com/terms-and-conditions
  • 20241014
    • Added double confirm to ‘Reload Gateway Connection’
    • General improvements and code performance
    • ViewPort Improvements:
      • Fixed BLUE button not working
      • New icon for ViewPort
      • Added Refresh Communication driver action
      • Added building cameras driver action (from Gateway)
      • Added better conditional programming with custom live-views
    • Light Improvements:
      • Fixed Variable LED Status not working
      • Added Advanced Lighting Support
      • Added Default Brightness
        • Property for selecting level
        • Composer Command for adjusting dynamically in Composer
      • Removed Last Event Property to improve performance of Director
      • Added Set Brightness Composer Command
    • Camera Driver Improvements:
      • Tested all Camera Model for functionality (see Gateway Documentation for complete report)
      • Improved organization and layout of Composer events, conditionals and commands
      • Added Camera Event History
      • Added Custom Buttons feature to Navigator
      • Added all AI events (object, audio, etc…) as Composer Events
      • Added/Fixed PTZ Control
      • Added PTZ Preset creation, manipulation and deletion on PTZ cameras
      • Fixed MOVE_TO not working from iOS when using a PTZ
      • Added improved Settings page
        • Customer can now change name of camera and it will also rename it in UniFi
        • Customer can adjust the Status LED on the camera
        • Customer and change the Doorbell Message
    • Fixed issues where video would not be available on remote C4 iOS app
    • Fixed Composer Command (Clear LCD Message) not working
    • Added enabling Streams directly from Composer using a Driver Action
  •  20231025
    •  Added Driver-Add-Driver
      - The gateway driver can now add and configure cameras, lights and viewports with a single click (Driver Actions)
    • Added easy rtsp stream enabling
      - Under Driver Actions, dealers can now enable all Low, Medium or High RTSP streams for all cameras connected to UniFi. This greatly improves installation speed/configuration.
    • Added UniFi Chime support
      - The UniFi Chime can now be triggered via any Composer Event.
      - Can adjust the speaker volume from a Composer Event.
    • Fixed issues with Viewport and triggering unallowed liveviews
    • Improvement to Snapshots for Push + Email
    • General backend updates
  •  20230528
    • Separated Refresh and Reload gateway connections
    • Refresh will attempt to re-login and add/append any new data/cameras found
    • Reload will remove connections and data stored in the driver for devices the user account no longer has access to or has been removed from the system
  •  20230406
    • Added Dynamic Preset feature
      - This feature (disabled by default) allows dealers/customers to create buttons on the camera page to perform home automation actions. Examples would be 'Lights' to turn on/off lights in the camera view or 'Garage Door' which could toggle the garage door motor.
    • Added Settings feature
      - This feature (enabled by default) allows customers to 'see' last detection information and general camera info
    • Added 'Home' button hiding
      - Previously, the Home button was always available even if not being used for an advanced trigger action. OS 3.3.2+ allows drivers to dynamically adjust some of the navigator buttons. The home button is not 'hidden' by default.
    • Added PTZ controls
      - UniFi G4 PTZ camera is now supported including Pan, Tilt and Zoom controls. Note: Some G4 cameras also have an optical zoom feature. If the camera supports this, the ability to adjust the zoom will automatically be added to Navigator.
      - PTZ Preset triggers are also functioning
    • Improved customization of RTSP streams.
      - OS3.3.2+ allows for customized RTSP parameters for better camera experience for customers. The driver now allows dealers to customize these parameters if needed. To adjust the parameters, change Stream Settings Property to 'Manual' and you will be given the following options:
      - Stream Type, RTSPS enabled, Resolution, FPS
    • Other Changes:
      - Changed default stream resolution to 'Low'
      - Re-enabled the RTSP test feature
      - General backend improvements around detections/stream loading
  •  20230118
    • Update to use new camera_v2 proxy commands (Control4 OS3.3.2+)
    • Added dynamic snapshots
    • Added liveview (iPhone)
    • Added support for different resolutions
    • Added line cross detection events
    • Added Package detection events
    • Added motion detection to Protect Light driver
    • Fixed issue with Protect light not toggling
  •  20220228
    • Update to support future Control4 release
    • Improved documentation
  • 20220102
    • Fixed login issue with 1.20.3
    • Default RTSP port is now linked to UniFi RTSP port automatically
    • Incorrect initial values for motion, doorbell, person, vehicle now fixed (was table, now integer)
  • 20211215
    • Fixed issue where devices devices would report a table type and not integer under Motion/Person/Vehicle detection
  • 20211111
    • Added Floodlight support
    • Fixed issue when a Liveview was deleted, the viewport would be unbound
      Changed ViewPort driver filename to correct version
       - unifi_viewport.c4z driver is end of life
       - unifi_protect_viewport.c4z is now current driver 
    • Fixed issue where Doorbell LCD message would not update if not time value was not given
    • Fixed issue if a Viewport or Light changed a setting it would cause other Viewports/Lights to become unbound in the driver
  • 20210902 (Edge Release)
    • Fixed issue with contact bindings not triggering
  • 20210608
    • Improved receiving events for smart detection and ring/doorbell pushes
  • 20210522
    • Fix for locale issues
  • 20210519
    • Fixed issue when multiple locales on same project
    • General websocket handling improvements
  • 20210310
    • Fixed issue where cameras would not work on T4 touchscreens
    • Added ViewPort
  • 20210305
    • Doorbell events added
    • Person events added
    • Vehicle events added
    • Prep work for Viewport integration
    • Improved communication/overall connections
  • 1095
    • Improved communication with Cloud Key Gen2
    • Fixed issues where Push notifications with snapshots would not always work
    • Fixed issue where on reboot, the connections with the main gateway driver would be hidden
  • 1094
    • Created new Gateway driver for better routing of messages to and from UniFi
    • Updated camera driver to support new gateway driver
      note: ALL jobs from now MUST have the gateway driver installed for protect NVR systems
  • 1089
    • Protect NVR camera update Only
    • Fixed issue with some camera names causing driver not to work.
  • 1086
    • Improved snapshot retrieval on Cloud Key Gen2 NVRs.  
    • Prepared for future UniFi products.
  • 1084
    • Added support for Cloud Key Gen2
  • 1082 
    • Initial Release