IMPORTANT: The developer, Kiwifarm Srl, is no longer developing/supporting 3rd party drivers. The driver is still provided for sale "as is" to fulfill the needs of the DriverCentral community. No further improvements will be made to the driver. If there are any major issues with the driver please reach out to the DriverCentral team (if necessary the driver will be removed from the marketplace and any eligible refunds will be provided).
Auxi HT is an expansion module for Ksenia lares 4 security systems that provides an easy way to control blinds.
This driver is not intended for stand-alone setup: it works only in conjunction with our lares 4 Control4 driver.
Please buy and install the lares 4 driver before setting it up.
Use cases
- it allows controlling blind in Open/Close/Stop mode
- it provides full open, full close, partially open, and stopped by user states
Driver Features
- make available blind state by variables
- make available blind position by variables
- make available a variable to signal if the blind is moving or not
- use multiple instances of the driver in a single project
Ksenia Security sponsored the driver development. For commercial info, please send an e-mail to sales@kseniasecurity.comAlex Edmondo participated in the requirements definition and beta testing
Ksenia Security for config & setting of the lares and Auxi for driver issues