If your customer has a Wine Cellar, Hot Tub, Fridge, Pool or normal Control4 Thermostat and you want to get notified when the temperature of that area or device goes above/below a custom set point this is the driver for you. You could do this in Control4 programming, but it’s tedious and prone to bugs or issues. The main problem being that if you send an email based on when a temperature exceeds a particular point you will get multiple emails. For example if you check when the temp exceed 80°F then you will get an email when the temp reaches 81°F, 82°F and so on. That’s very annoying. The solution, The Temp Tracker driver. This driver takes care of all the Control4 programming for you! Giving you an easy interface and provides a safety event tracker that only allows the event to fire once (this means no more multiple messages).
To save money and add other cool features to your projects consider purchasing as part of the Agent Bundle.
- Creates a Thermostat in the project so user can ‘see’ the temperature from the Control4 interface
- Three events to report high, low, and return to normal condition
- Features a special ‘stop’ feature’ on the event preventing it firing multiple times
- New Event timer reset so dealers can continue alerts if the temperature has travelled outside the normal range (1, 8, 24, 48 hour increments)
- Special String message for Above, Below, and Return to normal so the installer only needs to create one email or notification on the touchscreens.
- Monitor as many temps as you want by adding multiple instances of this driver to the project (same authentication code for each instance)

Control4 thermostats and 3rd party thermostats that uses the C4 thermostat proxy
Functional with 2.10+ though certain features are designed specifically for 3.0+
A single license will unlock as many instances of the driver as needed in your project. Cloud Driver is required to activate all DriverCentral licenses and trials. To find out more about drivercentral features click here. Additionally, here is a quick video that demonstrates the licensing process.
All Cinegration Development drivers for Control4 come with a 7-day trial. Simply add the DriverCentral licensing driver along with this driver and you can fully test the driver before purchasing. Including Cinegration Development drivers in your showroom project will give you unlimited use without purchase.
Driver is provided by Cinegration Development LLC. All rights reserved.
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Click here to access the full installers guide that includes driver setup instructions as well as driver feature details.
Additional relevant guides:
For a full description of terms and conditions pertaining to Cinegration Development's drivers please visit www.cindev.com/terms-and-conditions
- 20221220
- MAJOR UPDATES (Documentation, Notifications, Added Features)
- 20210525
Fixed issue where Celsius scale was being reset on reboot
Agent updates
Fixed issue where NORMAL would be triggered when it should have been ignored because a delayed event was occurring.
- 1079
- Added Delay Notification feature. This will allow dealers to delay alerts from the driver for xx minutes easily. if the state changes back
- Fixed issue where changing the temp up/down sliders multiple times would not reset the event triggers
- General code improvements
Updated lua packages to latest versions
Improved monitoring of variables
- 1069
- Fixed issue where driver wouldn't load properly
- Fixed issue where changing monitored temp value would not follow properly
- Updated packages to latest versions
- 1068
- Driver now supports all Temperature variables from all devices (Note: if you encounter a device that doesn't work, please email us)
- Updated Packages and Sync'd with current Agent Framework
- Fixed issue where upon reboot, the driver would trigger an incorrect temp reading
- 1063
- Conversion to Agents Platform
- Fixed low alert spelling on notification
- 1008
- Changed manufacture name to Cinegration LLC (from Cinegration) improved searching on Composer
- 1007
- Fixed issue where driver would report 0 degrees when controller is rebooted, then report normal 1 minute later.
- 1006
- Fixed issue where Card Access Remote sensor would not work with driver
- 1005
- Corrected issue where control4 contact sensor remote connection was incorrect
- 1003
- Added support for Z2IO and Z2C
- Added support for C4_THERM control4 thermostat
- 1002
- Fixed trial time issue
- Added support for control4 wirelesscontact
- 1001
- migration to driverCentral
- HouseLogix Release
- 8.0.1
- Added support for V2 thermostat Proxies
- Added support to update driver from 7.x.x to 8.x.x
- 8.0.2/8.0.3
- Added Email agent into Driver (no more programming required)
- Fixed issue with Celsius information not being displayed correctly
- 8.0.4
- Added in support for Cinegration Showroom License
- Fixed issue with Apple Watch GUI not working correctly.