Konnected White Smart Garage Door Opener

MSRP: $70.00
Chowmain LTD
30 days
Version: 20240611
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The Konnected Garage Door Opener White is a smart home device designed to automate your garage doors. It can be easily retrofitted older garage door openers, letting you open or close it and know if it's open or closed in real-time using either a laser based sensor or hard wired sensor.

The Konnected Garage Door Opener White is designed to meet the requirements of UL 325 and related United States safety regulations concerning the unattended operation of a residential garage door. The device features a customizable and built-in audible and visual pre-close warning that is automatically initiated by the hardware, so no action is required by the integrator when automated through this driver.

Konnected’s Garage Door Opener White works with most garage doors with a wired push-button mounted on the wall, a simple “dry-contact” switch.


  • IP Control
  • Auto install / Binding of official Control4 proxies for Garage Door driver
  • Control
    • Garage Door Open
    • Garage Door Close
    • Garage Door Toggle
    • Garage Door Stop
  • Feedback
    • Garage Door Open
    • Garage Door Close
    • Wired Sensor On
    • Wired Sensor Off
  • Automatic Push and Email Notifications On
    • Garage Door Open
    • Garage Door Close
    • Garage Door Still Open (variable time defined in driver properties)
  • Button Bindings
    • Garage Door Toggle
    • Garage Door Open
    • Garage Door Close


How do i comply with UL 325?

The Konnected GDO Whiteis designed to meet the requirements of UL 325 and related United States safety regulations concerning the unattended operation of a residential garage door. The device features a customizable and built-in audible and visual pre-close warning that is automatically initiated by the hardware, so no action is required by the integrator when automated through this driver.

Why is this product so exciting?

  • Works with most garage door with a wired push-button mounted on the wall, a simple "dry-contact" switch.
  • Built-in optical laser sensor for detecting open/closed garage door
  • Has an optional input.
  • Meets UL 325 requirements by providing visual (blinking) and audible (beeping) warnings for ~5 seconds before it triggers the garage door to close.

What garage doors will this work on?

Works with any garage door that has dry contact triggered open or close push button control.

How do i install Konnected BlaQ hardware?

Please see link below instructions. Take note that you need to pre-install the ESPHome firmware as per instructions below.

How does the Control4 driver talk to Konnected White?

The driver will communicate to Konnected White via IP. Please ensure that the Konnected White is put on a static or reserved ip address.

Do i need to install reed switches for garage door position feedback?

Konnected White provides feedback based on the laser position. As such it is important to mount the unit correctly. Please see the Konnected White Knowledgebase for installation information.

Note that the built in laser sensor is only compatible with sectional garage doors that do not exceed 13ft.

As an alternative you can also utilise a reed switch if desired. See FAQ question below on the wired sensor.

How do i use the wired sensor instead of the laser sensor for garage door open / close feedback?
Konnected provide instructions on how to do this on their website. Please contact Konnected should you require assistnace with this.

Where can i purchase Konnected White?

This driver is designed to work with Konnected White with the ESPHome firmware installed. You can order the hardware from the following website

Konnected website

I want to try this driver out before buying it?

All Chowmain drivers for Control4 come with a 90 day trial.

Do you offer showroom discounts?
We offer dealers a free showroom licence for demonstration and educational purposes.  See link below for T&C's and signup procedure.

Chowmain Dealer Showroom FAQ

I want to try this driver out before buying it?
All Chowmain drivers for Control4 come with a 90 day trial.  Just add the driverCentral licencing driver and this driver and you're good to go.

Do you offer other drivers?

We have hundreds of drivers.  Many of which are manufacturer sponsored and free.  Please visit our website to view all available drivers including FREE drivers.



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Driver Download (control4-konnected-white-garage-door-opener-20240611.zip, 652 Kb) [Download]

Version 20240611 - 11-JUN-2024

  • Initial release