This driver enables you to use a Configurable Keypad or a Keypad Dimmer to enter ‘secret’ codes. The keypad may be switched to a special Code Mode where pre-specified passcodes may be entered, triggering corresponding events. This is not a high security driver, but it can help authorize some specific activities using simple keypad button presses.
A use case would be to assign a button to disarm the security system (normally, this is not recommended). With this driver, pressing the button would put all the keypad buttons in Code Mode where the user would enter a pre-selected code such as 1-2-2-5, for example, thus causing programming to disarm the security system. Once a valid (or invalid) code is entered, the keypad resumes its normal operation. Code Mode may be activated by pressing a trigger button sequence on the keypad or via programming.
Optionally, an innovative and powerful Update Mode is available for the user to locally modify Codes (on a keypad) without the need for Composer.
10.0.0 Initial Release (September 15, 2024)
10.1.0 Added Code Mode Trigger Button color capability (January 9, 2025)