This driver makes data from WarioWeather weather stations available for Control4 Programming via variables. All data is available in the form and units as described in the XML API. Additionaly the driver makes the weather station’s own web interface available on Control4 T3 & T4 touch screens, enabling customers to check the current values or see charts with past data.
Supported features
- Measured/computed data (depending on the weather station’s actual sensors) available in variables under Programming. Namely:
- Dew point,
- Exposure ideal,
- Humidity,
- Light,
- Precipitation,
- Pressure,
- T Apparent (apparent temperature),
- Temperature,
- Wind direction,
- Wind gust,
- Wind speed.
- Web interface on Control4 T3 touch screens using Experience Button / Webview.
- No weather forecast (not available via API). Use Control’s Weather Station driver for that.
[1.1] - 2020-05-17
- First release with driverCentral licensing.
- Fixed issue with PersistData growing incessantly.