Showroom Project

by AJ Brunson

Are you taking advantage of all the DriverCentral's dealer benefits? If you don't have a Showroom Project, you are missing out! DriverCentral offers many benefits to its dealers, one of which being the Showroom Project. This feature gives dealers the opportunity to test drivers, experience driver features, and understand the key benefits of a driver first hand! Continue reading to learn more about the showroom project, how it works, and why you should be using it.

DriverCentral provides a Showroom Project option to dealers registered on DriverCentral. This project allows a single Dealer to license the majority of drivers listed on DriverCentral for the calendar year, giving you the opportunity to install the driver in your showroom and experience everything the driver has to offer before you sell it to your customers. The showroom project is to be used solely for a single Dealer’s showroom and cannot be used in customer projects.

In order to be eligible to participate in a Showroom Project, dealers must complete $250 in purchases on DriverCentral each calendar year in which the dealer wishes to participate in a Showroom Project. DriverCentral reserves the right to revoke or change the terms of the Showroom Project at any time. Developers have the option to have their drivers omitted from the Showroom Project option, and any drivers not available to Showroom Project participants will be charged at the standard rate. Showroom Projects are currently available for Control4 drivers only.